In 2008 a band was formed called A People Shooting Hat. They played electric carnival rock, provided the carnival was in a seaside town that they made sure to bomb. Songs were written, shows were played, lives were changed, etc.
This was said by somebody:
“A People Shooting Hat live is like the soundtrack to a drunken sailor’s slumber as he traverses between serenity and nightmare. Order two parts vocal intensity of Ian Curtis and Xiu Xiu, combine it with the maritime ferocity of Captain Ahab, add one part Doors, one part Lou Reed, and pound it down in a Manchester pub while Waits and Dylan are brawling nearby over whose lyrics are dryer. This cocktail is known as A People Shooting Hat.”
But that band went on hiatus.
Meanwhile, the madman J and his cohort Q thought that there should be a band to play the songs that wouldn't stop pouring from J's head/mouth/fingertips. K agreed, and a five of six piece group was created called WILBUR OXNARD AND THE EMPERORS OF SAN FRANCISCO with J Q K 7891011C R and T. They practiced a bunch, recorded one really good practice and planned to record an album. But then two or three of the members realized that they couldn't.
And so now, as a three piece consisting of J Q and K, WILBUR OXNARD AND THE EMPERORS OF SAN FRANCISCO enter the recording studio with legendary producer D. This will be the culmination of two years worth of songwriting, practicing, song re-writing and ultimately song reconstruction, the result of which will be a FULL LENGTH ALBUM of rousing hits that sound like A People Shooting Hat but a bit weirder, a bit more electronic, and a lot more like WILBUR OXNARD AND THE EMPERORS OF SAN FRANCISCO.